Verify KTrack integration and Procore Company setup

The purpose of this article is to assist a Procore admin with verifying the KTrack App Configuration with Procore.

  1. Login to Procore and select Admin from the Company Tools menu.
  2. Using the right panel menu from within the Procore Admin section select App Management
  3. Within the App Management section, you should see the KTrack App as an installed application:

    1. If you do not see the KTrack App in the "Installed Apps" list, then you will need to install the KTrack App.  Use this link for instructions on how to install the KTrack App. Configure Procore Company integration with KTrack
  4. Select the View button associated with the KTrack Application to access the permission details.
  5. The KTrack Application details page should look like this:
  6. Within the KTrack Application details page navigate to the permissions tab.
    1. Using the Project \ Company toggle, Confirm the company permissions are configured as follows:
    2. Using the Project \ Company toggle, Confirm the Project permissions are configured as follows:
  7. Using the Permitted Projects section (right side) confirm the list of Procore projects currently integrated with the KTrack application.

Useful Links:

Configure Procore Company Integration

How to Integrate a Procore project with KTrack